Mall of Memphis : Remembering the Marketplace of the Mid-South and All Things Lost Memphis

From Caroline Barnett at Cordova:

This site offers information about, and some  history of,  the Mall of Memphis, including some wonderful collections of photographs of the Mall in its heyday, as well as some demolition photos.  Even though the Mall closed its doors forever on Christmas Eve 2003 and has been completely demolished,  this site averages over 1500 visitors a month, so an interest in the Mall of Memphis continues to exist.

2 responses to “Mall of Memphis : Remembering the Marketplace of the Mid-South and All Things Lost Memphis”

  1. Doug Force says :

    The Mall of Memphis website project is ongoing! We are still looking for pictures of the Perkins/American Way area in pre-mall days, pictures of mall construction, copies of TV newscasts regarding the mall, mall TV commercials, mall print advertisements or flyers, personal photographs at the mall – literally anything associated with the Mall of Memphis is welcome. Former shoppers or mall employees are also invited to share their memories of experiences at the mall on our site.


  2. William C. Lynch says :

    Dear Library and Archivist, Ellis Auditorium, Memphis, Tennessee

    I am co-authoring a book with a colleague in Great Britain on the professional life of Mr.. Dennis Brain, the celebrated British French horn virtuoso who performed at the Ellis Auditorium on 14 November, 1950 with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Sir Thomas Beecham while on tour of the US from Great Britain. Mr. Brain performed the Mozart Sinfornia Concertante on this event.

    Is it possible that any archives may exist from that event including the venue, program notes, and possibly any reviews of the RPO performance that day by the local press? Can you advise what newspaper may have covered the event? ). I relaize the Auditorium has since been demolished however I am hopeful that the historical archives and reccrds have been preserved.
    Mr. Brain’s appearance at the Ellis Auditorium will be an important chapter on the RPO tour with Sir Thomas Beecham. I would very much appreciate a response from the your staff to my inquiry. Hopefully my request will not be too much of an inconvenience upon your time. The book is nearing completion and the draft will go to the publisher in June this year.

    Most appreciably,

    William C. Lynch
    San Francisco

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